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Whitewater Roll

Stay in the boat, no matter how wild it is! The Eskimo roll on the river opens the way to more difficult white water, and this course is all about changing the roll from standing to flowing water....


Advanced 1 weekend

During the Advanced 1 weekend, you will gain confidence on class II whitewater. The aim is that at the end of the course you will be able to ride with your friends, even without "better riders", on class II whitewater sections....


Advanced 2 Weekend

Do you feel at home on class II whitewater and would like to finally enter more difficult waters? Or are you already a frequent visitor to class III whitewater but would like to be a bit more confident?...


Creek 1 weekend

Ride your line with ease and a dry spraydeck! At class IV whitewater you can only hit your line if you work with the flow. For this reason, we look at the Creek 1...
