Fitness Coaching Kayak

In addition to our kayak courses, we now also offer kayak-specific fitness coaching - with Andi Brunner!

Paddling means pumping! If you are fit, you paddle better. Dryer boofs, more control over your lines, more safety and many other advantages await you in the program with Andi. Training is very individual and that's why Andi adapts to your situation and needs and creates a training plan just for you!

It doesn't matter how much time and experience you have. With customized training, you will rapidly improve and celebrate success. Andi offers three different packages:

Compact package

- Video call (max. 45 min)
- Tips on training and technique
- GoPro analysis if available

€ 49,-

Monthly plan

- Kick-off video call (max. 45 min)
- Individual training plan
- Discussion of training plan video call
- GoPro analysis if available

€ 169,-

Premium plan

- Kick-off video call (max. 60 min)
- Individual training plan
- Training plan meeting
- Feedback call 1x/week
- Troubleshooting call (3x/month)
- GoPro video analysis (2x/month)

€ 349,-


From the second monthly plan or after a compact package, the monthly plan costs only € 139.

Contact & Booking:

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