Alpine Skills - Module 2

Right at the start of any whitewater career, you quickly realize that paddling involves much more than just moving down the river in a kayak. We often cross areas with extremely alpine characteristics and are constantly faced with challenges that have more to do with classic mountaineering than with kayaking. A lost boat or paddle, for example, can very quickly become an emergency if the team concerned does not have the necessary skills to deal with the situation. And this is exactly what we deal with in the Alpine Skills module of our Safety Training. We see a great need to take the alpine aspects of whitewater sports seriously and to learn and promote the relevant skills.

Course Schedule

Am Vormittag des ersten Kurstages wird eine ausführliche Theorieeinheit im Kanucenter Innsbruck (KCI) stattfinden, bei welcher wir alle wichtigen Kursthemen bis ins Detail durchsprechen werden. Wir machen uns mit dem Material und den technischen Hilfsmitteln vertraut und erhalten wichtige Informationen zu den praktischen Übungen, welche im Rahmen des Kurses auf dem Programm stehen. Nach einer kurzen Mittagspause geht es dann weiter in die Kletterhalle, wo zahlreiche Übungen zum Verbessern eurer Tritt-, Seil- und Klettertechnik auf euch warten. Nach dem Klettern werden wir uns zur Nachbesprechung und Manöverkritik nochmals im Kanucenter treffen und die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse des Tages zusammenfassen.

Depending on the prevailing water levels, the second day of the course will take place on a river in the greater Innsbruck area. You can look forward to challenging team and individual tasks, all of which have a very strong practical relevance. These are situations that we have seen time and again in the course of our many years of training and our private kayak adventures.

Zum Kajakfahren gehört auch, sich in alpinem Gelände zu bewegen und Situationen zu meistern, die verschiedene Outdoor Skills fordern.

Informationen zum Kurs

  • Alpine aspects and special challenges of kayaking
  • Material science and familiarization with the specific aids
  • Weather and cartography
  • Modern tools (e.g.: good apps)
  • Recognize and correctly assess alpine dangers
  • Moving off-road
  • Knot tying and rope technique
  • Construction of fixed points, anchors and stands
  • Construction of improvised climbing harness
  • Climbing technique and training in surefootedness (ascent and descent)
  • Active and passive abseiling of persons and material
  • Solutions for climbing with a rope
  • Climbing up and down with a focus on footwork
  • Skill exercises/simple bouldering with kayak "in the luggage"
  • Construction of fixed points and stands in the terrain
  • Position clamping devices correctly in different locations
  • Active and passive abseiling on self-built stands
  • Various orientation exercises in the field
  • Practical exercises that have to be solved in groups
  • Gain more safety in alpine emergencies
  • Become more sure-footed and improve climbing technique
  • Have knot and rope solutions ready for the most common problems
  • Gain better orientation skills in the terrain
  • Being less dependent on the help of others
  • Canoe Center Innsbruck (KCI)
  • Climbing Center Innsbruck (KI)
  • Rivers in the greater Innsbruck area

To take part in Alpine Skills - Module 2, you must

  • Be in overall good health.
  • be at least 14 years old.
  • Kayak clothing and complete kayak equipment
  • Sturdy shoes
  • Well-fitting helmet
  • Life jacket with chest strap and panic lock
  • Functional throw bag (max. 5 years old!)
  • Rescue knife
  • 3 screw carabiners
  • 2 pulleys
  • Slings in different lengths
  • Cowtail with paddle carabiner (large snap carabiner)
  • First Aid Kit
  • Climbing shoes (if available)
  • Climbing harness (if available)
  • Dynamic climbing rope (if available)
  • Static rope (if available)

Dates and further information