
Ötztal - Kayak update after the floods

Author: Marieke Vogt, Team Leader at SOURCE TO SEA

We are often asked what is going on in Ötztal after the floods in august, whether the sections are rideable and what has changed. So here's an update for you, as far as we can so far. First of all: The valley was hit so hard by the floods that the repair work will continue well into the winter. Bridges are still broken and therefore closed. The road below Längenfeld is passable again, but some sections of the cycle paths and footpaths along the river are still closed.

All kayak routes have changed. The Upper and Lower Venter Ache, Upper Ötz and Lower Ötz are being paddled again. The Middle Ötz has also been paddled again, although the changes here are enormous and parts of the road are still in the river.
The old entrance to the Köfels section is a construction site. The river has completely dug up its bed here, removing the left bank and half of the bridge. We don't yet know where the parts of this bridge are.
The lower Wellerbrücke section (i.e. the OETZ TROPHY race course) has also been paddled again, but the path along the bank is closed and the Wellerbrücke itself and the platform may not be entered. Please adhere to this. The path will be repaired over the winter and we will be able to paddle Wellerbrücke again next spring.

With the relatively high water levels at the moment, we cannot yet say where metal parts (iron girders, parts of construction containers, etc.) are located in the individual sections of the Venter and Ötztaler Ache and whether relevant siphons may become visible at lower water levels.

Please be careful when you go kayaking. Also keep to the closures and do not obstruct the construction and clean-up work. Have fun paddling!

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