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Event category: Safety Training

Event series Safety Training

First Aid - Safety Module 1

Learn how to deal with medical emergencies on and in the water The First Aid course is the first module of our Safety Training and deals with the medical aspects of emergencies on and in the water. During the course, you will receive numerous tips on the correct behavior in the event of accidents in white water, refresh your first aid knowledge and can ask questions...


Event series Safety Training

Alpine Skills - Safety Module 2

The special course for better rope, knot and climbing technique Right at the start of any whitewater career, you quickly realize that paddling involves much more than just moving down the river in a kayak. We often traverse areas with extremely alpine characteristics and are constantly faced with challenges that are more akin to the classic...


Event series Safety Training

WW Rescue - Safety Module 3

Special course on rescuing and recovering people and equipment The WW Rescue safety course is the third module of our safety training. As the name suggests, this course focuses primarily on rescuing and recovering people and equipment in white water. Naturally, this also includes the immediate vicinity of rivers. In order to...


Event series Safety Training

Whitewater Rescue Technician - Safety course

Whitewater Rescue Technician Since the 2024 season, we have been offering training to become a Whitewater Rescue Technician in cooperation with Rescue 3. What sounds a bit unwieldy is an internationally recognized whitewater rescue training and is considered the standard among WW safety courses for recreational paddlers, kayak instructors and raft guides. The courses are led by Bijan, who has years of experience in...
